11:21 AM

We already set up Liferay-Tomcat runtime server in our eclipse. But what if we want Jboss server? Currently JBoss local server adapters for Liferay servers are not supported in Eclipse IDE (http://issues.liferay.com/browse/IDE-519). The work around is to setup Jboss 7 in our Eclipse. Here are the steps:
  1. In Eclipse IDE, go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
  2. On the Eclipse Marketplace window search for Jboss Tools for Indigo
  3. Click Install.
  4. Confirm the features to be included by clicking Next.
  5. Accept the license agreement and click Finish.
  6. After plugins download and install, accept that the content is unsigned by clicking OK
  7. We need to restart Eclipse for installation to take effect. Click Restart now.
  8. Jboss tools are now installed in our Eclipse IDE. 
  9. Go to Windows then Select Preferences.
  10. On the Preferences window. Go to Server > Runtime Environment. Then click Add button.
  11. On the New Server Runtime Environment, go to Jboss Folder and select Jboss 7.1 Runtime and click Next. 
  12. Click Browse and select the jboss-7.1.1 folder on the extracted liferay portal.
  13. Click Finish. Jboss 7.1 Runtime is now in the List of our Runtime Environment. 
  14. Click Ok to save the runtime preferences.
  15. We will now add the Server. On the servers tab, right click and select New.
  16. Under the Jboss Community select JBoss AS 7.1. Click Finish. 
  17. On the Server tab. Select Jboss 7.1 Runtime Server and click Start. 
  18. Open a browser and enter this Url: http://localhost:8080/. Our Liferay Jboss Server is now up and running.  


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